Converting UK grid references to points for mapping

Converting UK grid references for mapping The UK has a grid reference system for its spatial references (among others).

Deploying a Leaflet webmap on DigitalOcean

Creating and deploying webmaps using DigitalOcean Deploying things can seem quite hard.

Palmer Park leisure centre and biodiversity net gain

Introduction Palmer Park is in the Park ward of east Reading (UK).

Street trees and their benefits

Exploring the benefits of street trees with a Shiny app We receive an enormous number of benefits from trees.

Shiny apps on Digital Ocean

DigitalOcean This is a quick post to detail (perhaps a strong word) how I managed to deploy a Shiny app via the new DigitalOcean app platform.

Estimating carbon in priority habitats

Introduction A few weeks a go a wrote a short article for the Thames Valley Environmental Records Centre (TVERC) on the amount of carbon stored and sequestered by priority habitats in Berkshire and Oxfordshire.

Lichens in Sabah - geology and soils data

Introduction Back in 2012, shortly after the London Olympic Games, I led a small team of scientists from the Natural History Museum, London, on a field trip to Sabah, Malaysia.

Exploring UAV imagery in R

Introduction I am a bit obsessed with drones (UAVs) - for me they offer a world of possibilities for environmental scientists and ecologists.

Welcome to my new website!

Hello! I have finally got around to setting up my personal website.